Data Governance

The University of Michigan has a long-standing data stewardship framework. Governed by SPG 601.12 (Institutional Data Resource Management Policy), the framework plays a vital role in supporting access to and sharing of institutional data, which is at the core of U-M’s academic and research missions.

U-M has been a leader among its peers since the inception of our data governance framework in 1994. Since then, much has changed.

In 2018, the university initiated a Data Governance effort—sponsored jointly by the Office of the Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer and the Office of the Provost—to increase access to and usability of institutional data while minimizing risk to the institution.

A cross-campus working group developed recommendations and a Case for Change for updating the previous data governance model to support the latest data environment at U-M.

Data Governance Revitalization

Change Benefits

  • Effective data stewardship at U-M requires consistent guidelines and practices related to data access, data quality and use, and data for decision-making.
  • The goal is increased access to and usability of institutional data while minimizing risk to the university.
  • This approach requires a culture of data citizenship and literacy where data quality assessments are performed and training is available on how to identify appropriate data sources and forms and the ethical use of data.
  • In short, greater access to data across the institution means greater responsibility by faculty and staff for the appropriate use and protection of that data as described in university policies and practices created by data stewards.


The tenets and practices of the data governance plan are focused on institutional data, which is used for accreditation, compliance, and findings impacting the institution, as well as scalability to the myriad databases, data sets, and data warehouses existing centrally and within units.

Campus Engagement

As the updated data governance framework is implemented, the university community will have opportunities to hear more, note how changes will benefit faculty, staff, and students and the institution as a whole, and ask questions about aspects of the plan.

Look for more information in the coming months.

Please direct questions regarding this effort to the [email protected].



1994: The U-M Data Governance framework is established.

2019: Data Governance Working Group produces high-level recommendations. Learn more.

2021: Data Governance Council recommends actionable improvements. Learn more.

2022: Data Governance Advisory Committee established. Learn more.

2023: Data Governance Community of Practice convened. Learn more.