IT Council

Vision Statement

The Information Technology Council (ITC) of the University of Michigan envisions a future for the university in which:

  • Members of the community have the freedom to choose from an array of tools and devices that are supported by a common infrastructure.
  • Strive to provide ubiquitous access to resources, learning experiences, and colleagues at the university and beyond to meet the rising expectations of access to everything from anywhere.
  • Collaboration—supporting knowledge sharing, education, and research—is seamless and independent of time, location, unit, level, or institution.
  • Technology enables new directions and business models (e.g., lifelong and life-wide learning) that extend globally and beyond institutional boundaries.
  • Computing infrastructure and services are integrated across the core missions of the university.
  • Computing infrastructure and services are built to support innovation, flexibility, efficiency, effective use of data, and functional completeness.
  • Provide education, community support and resources to allow individuals to use technology to do amazing things.


  • Develop vision and strategic direction for shared information and communication technologies for entire university
  • Review and prioritize projects that align with U-M IT strategy
  • Individual members are responsible for representing and communicating with their constituencies


Member Role
Steven L. Ceccio
College of Engineering, Interim Dean
Vincent T and Gloria M Gorguze Professor of Engineering, Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Professor of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
Dean Representative
Anne Curzan
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Dean
Geneva Smitherman Collegiate Professor of English Language and Literature, Linguistics, and Education; Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of English, Linguistics, and Education
Dean Representative
Karthik Duraisamy
College of Engineering, Associate Professor of Aerospace Engineering
Faculty Representative
Gus Evrard
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Arthur F. Thurnau Professor, Professor of Physics and Professor of Astronomy
Faculty Representative
Barry Fishman 
School of Information, School of Education and Digital Studies Institute, Arthur F. Thurnau Professor of Learning Technologies
Faculty Representative
Kieran Haas 
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts and School of Information, Student, Undergraduate
Student Representative
Bilal Irfan 
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Student, Undergraduate
Student Representative

Sachin Kheterpal
Medical School, Kevin K Tremper Ph.D., M.D. Research Professor, Professor of Anesthesiology, Associate Chair for Strategy and Technology, Program Director, Outcomes Research and Associate Dean for Research Information Technology

Michigan Medicine Representative
Allen Liu
College of Engineering, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering and Medical School, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Associate Professor of Biophysics   
Faculty Representative
Z. Morley Mao
College of Engineering, Morris Wellman Faculty Development Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Faculty Representative

Sharon Matusik
Stephen M. Ross School of Business, Dean
Stephen M Ross Professor of Business, Edward J Frey Dean of Business and Professor of Business 
Dean Representative
Nigel Melville
Stephen M. Ross School of Business, Associate Professor Technology and Operations
Faculty Representative
David Mendez
School of Public Health, Associate Professor in the Department of Health Management and Policy
Faculty Representative
Ethan McKean 
College of Engineering, Student, Undergraduate
Student Representative

Elizabeth B Moje
Marsal Family School of Education, Dean
George Herbert Mead Collegiate Professor of Education, Arthur F Thurnau Professor, Professor of Education, Faculty Associate, Research Center for Group Dynamics, Institute for Social Research  

Dean Representative
Bhramar Mukherjee
School of Public Health, John D. Kalbfleisch Collegiate Professor of Biostatistics, Professor of Biostatistics, Chair, Department of Biostatistics, Professor of Epidemiology and Professor of Global Public Health
Faculty Representative
Brahmajee Nallamothu
Medical School, Stevo Julius Research Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine, Professor of Internal Medicine and Program Director, M-CHAMP
Faculty Representative
Markus Nornes
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Professor of Asian Cinema
Faculty Representative
Ravi Pendse
Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer
IT Leadership, University of Michigan Campuses
Burgunda (Gundy) Sweet
College of Pharmacy, Director of Curriculum Assessment and Clinical Professor of Pharmacy, and Clinical Pharmacist, Michigan Medicine
Faculty Representative
Mohan Tupakula 
Stephen M. Ross School of Business, Graduate Business Admin, Student
Student Representative
Asmat Noori
Executive Director Information Assurance and Interim Chief Information Security Officer
ITS Representative
Vikki Hamilton
Office of University Development, Assistant Vice President for Development, Development Services & Strategic Solutions
Administration Representative
Paul Robinson
Associate Vice Provost and University Registrar
Administration Representative
Marcus Blough
Institute for Social Research, Chief Information and Strategy Officer
IT Representative,
STAC Vice Chair
Cathy Curley
College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Chief Information Officer
IT Representative,
STAC Chair
Please email any IT Council questions to [email protected].