Data Governance Working Group (Complete)
The Data Governance working group was charged with defining what elements of the current data governance process need to be updated. This group published a paper, U-M Data Governance Revitalization Securing and Sharing Institutional Data, in April 2019, that included six recommendations:
Review and revise SPG 601.12. SPG 601.12 Institutional Data Resource Management Policy
Create a Data Governance Oversight Committee (DGOC) Structure
Provide dedicated resource support
Create mechanisms to provide systematic logging of all requests for access to data
Define and provide central services that can support and guide any data request
Reduce the number of, and better define the roles within, the data governance framework
Working Group Members
- Laurie Alexander, Libraries/Academic Affairs
- Sol Bermann (co-chair), ITS Information Assurance
- Wendy Bezotte, Michigan Medicine/Medical School
- Beck Chadwick, UM-Dearborn
- Chris Eagle (co-chair), ITS Strategy and Planning
- Patrick Franklin, ITS Information Quest
- Susan Gelman, LSA/Faculty
- Vikki Hamilton, University Development
- Rebecca Hulea, Michigan Medicine/Compliance
- Mark Nogueira, Office of General Counsel
- Tracy Pattok, Office of Budget and Planning/Provost
- Paul Robinson, Office of Enrollment Management
- Cindy Shindledecker, U-M Office of Research
- Denise Stegall, UMHR/Business and Finance