Mentorships provide the opportunity for mentors and mentees from all levels, and backgrounds to connect and build on professional goals. Participants share the common interest of improving the culture and knowledge of the Michigan Technology Community. Mentorship opportunities also encourage connections to be made across our institution and build a better understanding of our current environment.

A supportive mentor
Mentors are often thought of as people in more-senior level roles. Although that can be true, what is important is the willingness to share and build on knowledge and experience, while providing guidance to help mentees progress towards meeting their professional goals. Mentors also grow in mentorships and can expand on their own knowledge and expertise to find new perspectives. Mentors can have a variety of interests and expertise, all that can be extremely valuable to an interested mentee.

A committed mentee
Mentees can be from any level or background and have interest in building their network and working towards their professional goals. Mentees are responsible for getting meetings scheduled, and provide their primary goals for the program. The benefits to the mentee of the mentorship are correlated with the initiative and effort that is invested.