Contact Centers Operations

In 2015, we created a community of practice to bring together disconnected contact centers from across our 3 campuses. The university provides telephone services for 35,000 students, faculty, and staff at the Ann Arbor, Flint, and Dearborn campuses. A percentage of these customers make up over 50 contact center locations, which are using both ACD (Traditional Analog Telephone) and ICD (VoIP Telephone) technologies.

We’ll discuss the challenges of addressing the needs of large scale contact centers such as Shared Services and IT Help Desks versus smaller units with different challenges. This community of practice is meant to help us keep track of changing stakeholders and deliver consistent communications to the right people.

Our goal is to gather the contact center leaders together, on a regular basis, to shape the University’s direction. While we work to understand and address the unique requirements of each center, we also look to the upcoming strategic direction for voice services, while balancing old and new technology in use.

How to join


The contact center community of practice meets quarterly, along with hosting a summer networking event.

Information sharing

Members of the Contact Centers Operations CoP MCommunity group store and share materials on our website.
