This poster will display the work thus far from ITS Teaching and Learning’s collaboration with the Wolverine Pathways program in piloting a new tool, Badgr Pro’s Pathways. Pathways in conjunction with Canvas’s native Badgr integration is leveraged to recognize learning, competencies and experiences via Canvas coursework towards student success. This platform offers a path of transparency, giving high-schoolers control in achieving their goals.
I will share the iterative process for how Pathways is used to build a framework, and how Badgr is used to trigger issuance of a Badge. Navigating how to use the Pathways platform was a shared learning experience. Pathways is a graphical representation visible to share with college admissions and employers. The display offers directionality of the learner’s journey, contextualizing badges against each-other, portraying real-time representation of the learner’s progress. The high school students will visually see what is needed to be accomplished.
This demonstrates a collaborative effort to pilot new models of conducting online student-focused learning while optimizing micro-credentialing functions equitably. Working from the technical perspective alongside Wolverine Pathways curriculum to articulate key cognitive, content knowledge, and learning skills and techniques for mapping towards pathway completion was a rewarding process.