Multiple platforms that the University of Michigan has access to are starting to embed Artificial Intelligence (AI) informed workflows. AI involves teaching machines to recognize patterns. Google & Adobe CC are prominent examples of AI informed consumer tools that we use every day. They are beginning to bake AI into their products using their flavors of AI, Google TensorFlow & Adobe Sensei. This poster will demonstrate the basic idea of what AI is and how to spot it, explore tools that leverage Computer Vision, a subfield of AI, to automate repetitive or hard to learn processes for analyzing and understanding digital images in applications. This begs the question that this poster seeks to answer: can computers make art? Topics that the poster will address are, Background: AI Then & Now, Computer Vision: A Subfield of AI, Demos & Tools: How would you know if you are interacting with an AI, Art: Can computers make art?
#Artificial Intelligence (AI)